
Flora in the Yukon:
There are many different trees in the Yukon.  Some of the most common include spruce, pine, and fir.  Other common trees include the birch, poplar, willow, cottonwood and aspen.  There are also two other classifications of trees; coastal and Yukon trees.  The coastal and Yukon trees differ in many ways.  One way they are different is that the Yukon trees are located more inward, while the coastal are along the coast.  They are also different because the coastal trees are a lot younger than the Yukon trees, due to slower aging caused by the cold climate.  Trees are a very important resource in the Yukon, providing a source of medicine, shelter, food, and tool making. 

 Hagemann, Judy. img_1965.jpg. September 2011. Pics4Learning. 8 Apr 2013 <http://pics.tech4learning.com>

Berries are also very important in Yukon.  Berries can be eaten fresh when in season or dried and stored in a cool spot in the winter.  Cranberries are normally stored, while other berries, like blueberries and strawberries are usually mixed and pounded into a moose or caribou skin sac for a snack while travelling.  Some berries, like soapberries, can be used for medicine.  There are many different uses of berries in the Yukon. 

Citation: Oaks, Linda. wildberries.jpg. 2008. Pics4Learning. 8 Apr 2013 <http://pics.tech4learning.com> 
Yukon's vegetation is classified as sub-arctic and alpine.  Boreal forests cover 57 percent of the area.  There are over 200 species of wildflowers, including the tall magenta fireweed.  
McPherson, Peggy. wildflowers21.jpg. June 6, 2009. Pics4Learning. 8 Apr 2013 <http://pics.tech4learning.com>

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